
Delta Logo Blazer
White Shirt
Plain white long or short sleeve with top button
(needs to be buttoned to the neck and tucked in)
Delta Black Trousers
Delta Black Skirt

(plain black tights must be worn with a skirt – minimum 80 denier)
Plain, Black Belt
Delta Tie
Plain Black, Flat Polishable Shoes
(no embellishments, logos, bows)
Trainers, boots, pumps or canvas shoes are not permitted)
Delta Logo Jumper
(to be worn with the Academy Blazer, not instead of)
Please note – From September 2024 Year 7 and 8 students are required to wear the Hanson Delta tie with gold stripe and Hanson Delta blazer with coloured logo. Year 9, 10 and 11 students are required to wear the Hanson Delta tie with silver stripe and Hanson Delta blazer with silver logo.

Polite reminder
students must wear plain black polishable shoes to school, and they are not permitted to wear makeup or any jewellery. 


Delta Polo ShirtDelta PE Shorts
Delta Reversible Outdoor Games TopGum Shield & Shin Pads for Rugby & Hockey
Delta black knee length socksTrainers – no dark coloured soles

Delta tracksuit bottoms
Delta tracksuit top
Football boots
Outdoor Coats & Bags
Outdoor Coats – Coats should be plain and have no large logos. Coats should be removed as soon as students enter the academy.
Hoodies are not permitted.
Bags – Students require a plain school bag that can fasten securely and large enough to carry an A4 sized folder.
All students are expected to wear academy uniform at all times. SPT Uniforms are the approved provider of Delta uniform. They offer an excellent service to ensure that ordering your child’s academy uniform is easy and stress-free.

The online store offers a simple way to order all your academy uniform in one place.

To order uniform and for more information please visit www.sptuniforms.co.uk SPT Uniforms have produced some videos to help you measure for uniform.

Click the link below to see them. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEJhIaoyf2fSsXXHOiexuqg
If you have any enquiries/queries regarding the purchasing of uniform, please contact spt uniforms:

Email: enquiries@sptuniforms.co.uk
Telephone: 0113 245 9959 (Main Office)

Office hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Please note from Monday 20th July the shop will be open 7 days a week 10.00 am to 4.00 pm

We do have limited supplies of uniform in school. The prices and sizing are below.  To order uniform online from our suppliers SPT please see their website for full list of items sizes and prices Hanson Academy | Product categories | SPT Uniforms

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