My Child At School App (MCAS)

What is MCAS? 

MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) is a portal that can enable parents to view their child’s academic performance in real-time via a web browser or mobile app. This facility allows exclusive access to key academic dates, attendance information, timetables and the personal details the academy holds for you and your child. 

The following modules which are available in MCAS: 

  • Notifications 
  • Pupil details check/update/amend
  • Timetable 
  • Attendance 
  • Behaviour 
  • Parents evening booking 
  • Reports/Assessment 
  • Prom/Events
  • Dinner/Dinner money
  • Trip consent

Downloading the app and logging in 

The app is simple use and download, using the email address that you have supplied to Hanson Academy. 

The app is available through the Google Store or Apple Store, just search for My Child At School app by Bromcom Computers Plc. Please also note the MCAS app is required to book all Parents Evening appointments, pay for lunches and provide consent for trips.

If you need any support in downloading or accessing the MCAS app, please contact the academy via reception or email – no activation code is required but you may need to check the email address we hold for you as it will only allow priority 1 parent/carer access. 


Hanson Academy 

Step 1: Download the app (app store)                                               

Step 2: Create a pin number

Step 3: School ID: 13480

Enter your email address