Year 6 to 7 Transition Programme
At Hanson we pride ourselves in providing our new students and parents a smooth and successful transition from Primary to Secondary school. This is a crucial time in any child’s development and we aim to ensure they are as prepared as they can be when September arrives.
Outlined below are details of the many ways in which we hope to make your child’s transition to Hanson as enjoyable and trouble free as possible.
- Information Evening – March
An extra opportunity for parents and new students to visit Hanson once allocations have been confirmed. This will be in the form of a Mini Open Evening with presentations from the Headteacher, plus all departments will be on show.
- Small Feeder School Presentation Evening – June
An opportunity for students coming from smaller feeder Primaries, where there are generally 5 or less coming to Hanson, to visit the school. This is done prior to the main Transition Evening in July so that students can meet others in a similar situation and familiarise themselves with the school. Students will complete tasks with their new Head of Year and parents are invited for refreshments and a Q&A session/presentation with Hanson staff.
- Primary school visits – ongoing in Summer Term
Hanson staff will visit ALL new students in their Primary schools and complete a get to know you task. Hanson staff will also meet with Primary school teachers and key members of staff to discuss the students. Key information about behaviour, attendance, attainment, strengths and areas for improvement are discussed to ensure a smooth transition to Hanson.
- Discovery Sessions – Summer term
Primary schools will be given the opportunity to attend Hanson and take part in the Discovery sessions involving Science, Technology, Music, Drama, Dance, PE and potentially more. This will give students the chance to experience lessons in secondary school and meet some of the teachers.
- Transition Day and evening – First Wednesday in July
ALL new students visit the school and follow a normal school timetable. They will be arranged into their new forms and meet their form tutors. The evening gives parents an opportunity to meet their child’s form tutor and key members of staff in school. Here, information is given about school systems, expectations, the start of term, uniform and summer school.
- Additional Transition Days
Additional Transition days during the same week as the main Transition day focussing on students who may benefit from extra visits. These students are identified by the Primary schools and the Hanson SEN/Wellbeing department. Additional visits will also be arranged for specific students with extra needs e.g. physical difficulties, medical, HI/VI and are to be arranged as needed.
More information about all of these events will be published on the school website and letters will also be sent home to parents with key dates. All correspondence will also be sent to feeder Primaries.
Moving on to secondary school can be both exciting and daunting, but we hope we can work with you and your child’s Primary school to make the process as seamless as possible.
Information from the Transition Evening can be found below: