Born In Bradford
In last week’s Year 8, 9 and 10 assemblies, students received a presentation from the NHS Born in Bradford team. They are working with schools to understand and improve the health and wellbeing of young people in Bradford. Your child will have received a ‘Parent Information Sheet’ from their form tutor following the assembly. Please read these carefully as they provide all the necessary information about the research project. Please ONLY return this form to school if you DO NOT want your child take part in the research and return this by Friday 2nd February. Copies can be found below.
- Year 8 – to complete a health questionnaire in school (29th Feb and 1st March)
- Year 9 – to complete a health questionnaire, health measures and brain games (drop down day activities) (23rd and 24th April) – Optional blood tests later in the year (more information to follow)
- Year 10 – to complete a health questionnaire in school (29th Feb and 1st March)
All information gathered will be strictly confidential. Thank you for supporting the world’s largest research project of teenagers.
More information can be found here: Born In Bradford