New Y7 Transition Info

We are looking forward to welcoming your child to the Year 6 Transition Day on Wednesday 3rd July, where students will experience the day as a Year 7 student. The day will start at 8.15am and finish at 2.45pm.
Students should arrive at school from 8am and on arrival they will be directed to the dining hall where they will sign in and be allocated their new form group. They will also be greeted by members of SLT and the Year team.
We have planned an exciting day of activities that will truly immerse them into Hanson life and give them a flavour of what September will be like. This will include:
- An assembly from the Principal, Mr Sheedy
- Meeting their new form tutor and form group
- A tour of the school with current students
- Experience a series of lessons
- Break time and lunchtime in the Delta Dining hall
- Meeting lots of staff
- Uniform measuring drop ins – for those who have not completed the FREE uniform order for
To make the most of the day, please ensure your child brings the following:
- A pair of trainers for any sporting activity they may do
- Your child needs to wear their current Primary school uniform
- There will be a FREE lunch provided, however if your child prefers, they can bring a packed lunch
- A FREE breakfast served in the dining hall from 8am plus FREE break time snack
Please ensure your child knows your travel arrangements, both before and after school. If you intend to bring your child to school by car, please arrive at either the ‘turning circle’ on the approach to GOAL’s car park or at the pathway entrance next to Grove House school car park before 8.15am. If arriving on foot, students may use the GOALs, Grove House or Sutton Avenue entrance. If you will be collecting your child at the end of the day, please collect from the same location. Parents/Carers should not arrive before 2.45pm to avoid congestion at our regular school closure time.
Please ensure all relevant forms have been completed by Wednesday 26th June, the links to these can be found below:
- Admission Form Link –
- Uniform Form Link –
- Administering Medicine Form Link –
- Summer School Sign Up Link –
Transition Evening – Wednesday 3rd July
This evening runs between 5.00pm and 7.00pm and give parents and carers the opportunity to visit the school and meet your child’s form tutor. This is an extremely important evening for you to meet your child’s tutor and forge an effective relationship that will benefit your child’s progress. You will also have the chance to find out general information about the school day, the start of term and all other relevant details that will allow your child a smooth transition in September.
Summer School – Tuesday 27th to Friday 30th August 2024; 8.25-1.30pm
Although Summer School is not compulsory, we strongly advise your child to attend this week, so they can meet the other students, its staff and familiarise themselves with the building, our rules and expectations. They will be starting school the week after and this week goes a long way in preparing them for ‘moving up’. We aim to provide a good balance of academic, enrichment and transitional activities during this week. This is to enable the students to familiarise themselves with the demands of secondary school but also build confidence, friendships and personal skills they will need through their time at Hanson.
We will follow the normal school timetable as closely as possible, but we also understand this is still the summer holidays and aim to have lots of fun and include different types of activities not normally carried in term time.
If you want your child to attend Summer School, please complete the form on the link below. Summer School Sign Up Link –
This must be completed by 5pm on Wednesday 26th June 2024. Summer School Form We look forward to meeting you and your child over the next term and if you have anything you wish to further discuss, please contact the school on the details at the top of this letter.
It has been a privilege to meet the students over the last few weeks during the Primary school visits and we are looking forward to seeing them at Hanson on Wednesday 3rd July. This is the start of an amazing journey together and we hope they have a fantastic experience.
Adam O’Neill – Assistant Principal
Charlotte Oxley – Y7 Learning Manager
Ammaarah Akhtar – Y7 Learning Manager
Information from the Transition Evening can be found below: