Uniform – Pop Up Shop

We have arranged for SPT Uniform to open a pop-up shop at Hanson Academy Monday 22nd July 10.30-2.30pm and Friday 23rd August 10.30-2.30pm for you to purchase new uniform. Alternatively, please visit SPT Uniform website or their Garforth shop for Hanson Delta uniform Hanson Academy | Product categories | SPT Uniforms All other uniform items can be purchased from any supermarket/shop.
Please note – From September Year 7 and 8 students are required to wear the Hanson Delta tie with gold stripe and Hanson Delta blazer with coloured logo. Year 9, 10 and 11 students are required to wear the Hanson Delta tie with silver stripe and Hanson Delta blazer with silver logo. For more information regarding uniform please visit our website Uniform – Hanson Academy
Polite reminder students must wear plain black polishable shoes to school, and they are not permitted to wear makeup or any jewellery.